Thursday, May 9, 2013

Tracting Downton Abbey

I've seen a little Downton Abbey--the British television series shown on Masterpiece Theater on PBS. And while it might be hard to recognize it with all the period clothes and the accents, the show is totally a soap opera! You wait and see, I'm predicting an evil twin will show up in season four!


  1. I don't really get it. Is she scared of water or something?

    1. The aristocrats of Downton Abbey are used to having their servants wait on them hand and foot. The "joke" is that anything that requires any kind of effort, she'd want her servants to do it for her.

  2. Haha! I thought it was funny :) but I'm still refusing to accept it is a soap opera...!

    1. You're not alone, piccolina. My wife was pretty angry at my calling Downton Abbey a Soap too.

  3. Oh, I get it now. Funny! Thanks!

  4. Kudos for a comic involving a trendy TV show. Perhaps you could also think about missionaries of the 1960s tracting out Don Draper's house. Or post-apocalyptic Elders fending off the walking dead. Or maybe a comic about a singing talent show called "The (still small) Voice."

    Your sister missionary's response should have been: "Give yourself another year or two and your descendants will be able to take care of that baptism for you."

    1. You're Walking Dead idea sounds like a heck of a sitcom. Maybe I'll pitch it to BYUtv...
