Monday, August 17, 2009

Missionaries Cooking Badly Part 4

You knew it had to end badly. Using the equation 350 x 9 ÷ 5 + Google searched for answer gets you 662º Fahrenheit.


  1. Originally, Elder Van Dyke was going to be eating a peanut butter sandwich, but then I remembered that my imaginary country of Laputania hadn't been introduced to peanut butter yet so I found a satisfactory substitute.

    I'm sure you appreciate my commitment to continuity.

  2. I'm sure Eric will find something to criticize about the nuances of making cheese sandwiches in a third world country.

  3. Actually, Joel, if somebody wanted to criticize this strip, they could start with the oven that heats up to 650º Fahrenheit. Unless it doubles as a smelter, I can't imagine what you'd need an oven that hot.

  4. Our dear Joel has clearly spent his share of time in third-world countries--I think his brain has been host to too many helminthic visitors. Laputania, while not strictly extant, is likely better classified as Eastern-Bloc rather than Third-World. Also, if you're out to be critical, start with the incomplete conversion equation our mathematically-challenged cartoonist offered in the subtitle. As far as cheese sandwiches goes, I'll leave that to creative license.

  5. You mentioned continuity in your comment. I like that Elder Van Dyke is the one cooking in all four of your strips...It's nice to know that you are a much better cook than him.
