As an undergraduate at BYU, I got myself into some sort of predicament. I picked a major that I quickly discovered I hated...zoology. The coursework was (a) too boring and (b) too difficult. Since I had no aspirations of becoming an (a) zookeeper or (b) medical doctor, it really made no sense to pursue it. But since I was naturally lazy, I
didn't change majors (too much work) and
did graduate with a zoology major. (Later I completed a masters program in a completely different field, highlighting just how lazy I was--I was willing
to go through another two years of school rather than change majors as a sophomore.)
The reason I share this long-winded story is so you'll understand how pleased I am with this week's comic. My zoology degree has finally paid off!
I'm glad that a decade later, my Mom and Dad have something to show for four years of tuition.
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ReplyDeleteClever comic and clever tag. Good use of your zoology expertise.
ReplyDeleteNice to see your undergrad degree at work! Thanks for the laugh.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure what you mean by zoology being a useless major, Arie. I happen to use inorganic chemistry (like the formula for table salt) everyday and don't get me started on how often I refer to my organic chemistry knowledge to get me through the day. It's a good thing you did graduate with a zoology major so that you wouldn't be the only child in the VDG family not to have some sort of science background.
ReplyDeleteI think your next project should be to put together a second edition of the famed Van De Graaff zoology atlas, but with your illustrations instead of those amateurish Chris Creek pictures.
ReplyDeleteLike the comic Arie, I think you should instruct us about Cougars next time. You know how some people view the world through something called "Couger Blue Lenses", how does that work?