While in the MTC, my district and I dutifully reported to the little MTC medical clinic to receive our gamma globulin shots (affectionately called the peanut butter shot due to the thickness of the stuff being injected into your body). We were told that the area of the world in which we were serving (former Yugoslovia generally, in my case, Slovenija specifically) required that we get the shot on a regular bases.
The shot hurt and we were all sore for a couple of days, but we were sorer still when we left the MTC for our mission and was told that the gamma globulin shot wasn't necessary for the area where we were serving.
Still, the gamma globulin shot makes for a funny strip as long as it's happening to somebody else. As Mel Brooks once said, "
Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die."
As a matter of full disclosure, I should point out that this particular strip was based off of a joke suggested from another one of my brothers.