Monday, April 30, 2012

How Far Away is That Airplane?

My first missionary companion in the field used to share this "joke" with me every time he'd see an airplane in the sky. Since he was a couple of inches taller than me and weighed several dozen pounds more than me, my response was nothing like Elder Van Dyke's.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

First Principal, er Principle

Yep, it's another Family Circus-like, kids say the darndest things gag. If I was ever called to the primary, this blog would sink to this level of humor every week.

Monday, April 23, 2012

You're Somebody

We got this response all the time while tracting. I never knew what to say to it, perhaps I should have tried Elder Green's response.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Of Prophets and Puppets

In hindsight, I should have included Geppetto and Jiminy Cricket in this picture. Shoot, I should have also added a Clown Fish and a Blue Tang. Dang!

Monday, April 16, 2012

"Park" Contacting

So, over the weekend, I added a couple of pages to this blog. You can read the thrilling history behind these missionary strips and review some frequently asked questions.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Realtors in Heaven

I've got nothing against realtors,* so this joke isn't directed towards them as much as it is towards annoying guys in convertibles who want to get rich in heaven.

At the risk of turning this blog into nothing more than an infomercial for fellow Mormon Cartoonist Kevin Beckstrom and his work, I'd point out that he's got an entire comic strip dedicated towards the afterlife. His once-a-week Good Heavens is just one of nine comics he posts to the web every week. Seriously, the guy's output puts me to shame.

*Except that they insist on capitalizing the "R" and stick the little ® after their name--so, yeah, maybe I do have something against Realtors®.

Monday, April 9, 2012

More Companionship Inventory

Elder Green's strategy here is also effective when your spouse wants to talk about "things."

On a different subject, I always enjoy Kevin Beckstom's General Conference sketchbook. (I imagine it would be hard to pay attention to Priesthood Session if he was sitting in front of you.) He posted it this morning, you might want to check it out.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Mormon Hangover

Today's insightful gag into the lives of Bishops everywhere comes from faithful reader Melissa W. whose husband was recently released from serving in a bishopric. Thanks, Melissa!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Spring 2012 General Conference Recap

Below is your Spring 2012 General Conference Recap packet. Feel free to use it for Family Home Evening, Primary, or whatever.

UPDATE: You can print off a PDF version of the packet at

Companionship Inventory

Today's strip seems appropriate, seeing as how most of us are conducting a personal inventory following a weekend of General Conference.

Speaking of General Conference, check back this afternoon for my Conference Recap packet.